Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Organic French Country Herbs

There is no reason to grow French country herbs in any other manner than organic. It’s easy and we’ll show you how to grow healthy and robust plants that are weather and pest resistant. The most common French country herbs are Winter Savory, thyme, rosemary, basil, tarragon and lavender, all simple, fragrant and delicious additions to your organic garden. And you won't have to visit Provence to enjoy them!
While the French climate is ideal for growing French herbs, there are many climates in the United States and Canada that are similar enough for successful growth. Mid to Northern California has a Mediterranean climate perfect for the growth of French herbs and you will find them all over the wine country and the beautiful suburbs of San Francisco. Regions in the Okanagan of British Columbia have similar climate and French herbs can also be grown here.
French Country herbs make a great addition to any vegetable garden. They are attractive and fragrant and attract beneficial insects such as bees. Thyme makes an excellent ground cover and lavender creates a natural boundary as well as attracting bees.
How to plant French herbsYou may choose to plant your French herbs in a traditional herb garden using raised beds and boundaries. Because some herbs are annuals, you will want to combine annuals and perennials for a year-round garden. Most herbs can be grown in window boxes for easy access from the kitchen, as herb plants can be small and do not require much soil.
All herbs require a well-drained soil. If your soil is moist and has high clay content then you will need to plant your herbs in pots or raised beds. However, clay soils can be amended by adding mulched up leaves and manure. French herbs especially need a lot of direct sunlight and regular watering. Fertilize your herb garden just as you would the rest of your organic garden; with a well-developed organic compost and regular mulching.
The following are some details on several specific plants that no French country herb garden would be complete without.
BasilA perennial in warm climates and an annual in areas that frost. Basil should be planted in a sheltered and sunny place in very rich soil. Start plants in small pots in early spring and plant about one foot apart when frost has passed. Keep basil well watered and pinch off flowers as they appear. Basil does especially well in greenhouses.
LavenderA perennial shrub, there are many varieties of lavender, most producing attractive purple flowers. These shrubs can grow to be very large and like direct sunlight. While lavender should be watered regularly, you will find that it does well in dry soil. Be sure to trim back your plants in order to keep their size under control.
RosemaryAn evergreen shrub, this plant makes an attractive border and produces lovely little blue flowers. Though it is evergreen, it is not resistant to very cold climates. Keep your rosemary plants potted and move indoors at risk of frost. Rosemary prefers a sunny location and well-drained soil. Add bone meal to your soil to loosen if necessary. A rosemary bush will provide fragrant cuttings year round. The flowers can be picked and used in salads with a flavor that is not as intense as the leaves.
TarragonA hardy perennial, French tarragon is also especially flavorful. Grow tarragon in a sunny and sheltered spot with good drainage. Protect plants in the winter with a layer of straw. Replace plants every several years as they lose flavor with maturity.ThymeC omes in either a low-growing, ground cover variety or as a tall growing plant. Thyme grows best in soil with a pH of 7.0; you may have to add lime to acidic soil. Be sure to cut back plants after flowering. Winter SavoryA perennial evergreen shrub that can be grown in an herb garden or as a border. Cut back top growth often to encourage growth at the base of the plant. Replace plants every few years as they lose flavor with maturity.
How to keep your French herbs in tip top shapeAs with all plants, herbs are susceptible to various pests and diseases. A good way of “cleaning” your soil before planting is to solarize it. Solarizing the soil means using the sun to naturally burn out any fungi, bacteria or pests that may be living in it.
To solarize your soil, whether for an indoor or outdoor garden, plan ahead. During the hottest part of the year cover a patch of soil with a sheet of clear plastic. Leave the plastic in place for several weeks. The plastic and the sun together will heat the soil to a temperature in which no pests or diseases can survive.
You may also choose to protect your herbs from fungus and bacteria by beefing up the soil with organic matter. A variety of plants in your garden and healthy soil are your best defences. A variety of plants will attract a variety of insects: most insects are beneficial to your garden. Healthy soil promotes healthy plants, which are better able to ward off diseases and pests.
Overall, herbs are quite hardy and easy to grow. Their strong taste is appealing to us, but not to many insects, which eliminates the need for pesticides. Herbs require minimal care and are happy in many climates. Your organic herb garden is sure to be a fun and delicious addition to your garden and kitchen.

Planting Requirements for a New Rose

A new rose bush can provide decades of beauty and enjoyment if properly planted and tended. The planting requirements for a new rose are both simple and important. The first months in a new home are crucial for the plant’s survival. While it’s true that roses will grow and thrive without the benefit of your expertise, a little knowledge can go a long way.
When you receive your new rosebush, chances are it will be un-planted and its roots wrapped in moss. It is very important that you keep the plant moist and cold until you are able to plant it properly. For example, a basement is an ideal place for an unplanted rose bush. While a rose bush can survive outside of the soil for an extended time, it is also very important that you plant it as soon as possible.
Rose bushes are usually sold in the winter while dormant. They begin to grow and bloom in the springtime and it is crucial that they are planted before this occurs. Your rosebush should be securely rooted in the ground before springtime, when new shoots begin to grow. Generally, March and April are ideal months for planting.
The first step in planting your new rose is finding a good place to put it in the ground. Your rose should get at least 6 hours of sun each day, and should be planted in soil with good drainage. You can check the drainage of your soil with a simple test: dig a hole that is 12 inches deep, fill it with water and wait for the water to drain. Once the water has drained, refill the hole, if it is empty in less than two hours your soil has excellent drainage!
In addition to drainage, roses have other specific soil requirements. They prefer a more acidic soil with a pH ranging from 5.8 to 6.3. If your soil is too acidic—or too basic—you may ask your local nursery what you can add to the soil in order to correct the problem. Pine needles and lime are both acidifying agents that you may find in your own home or garden shed!
If you are planting more than one bush in your garden, be sure that they are reasonably far apart. Remember, they will grow and air will need to circulate between them to keep them disease free. Rose bushes will crowd each other out if planted too close together. The distance between the bushes ranges from two to ten feet, depending on the type of bush. Ask about the specific spacing for your new rose bush at the nursery at the time of purchase.
Weed your garden bed and clear it of plant debris and waste before planting. A clean garden bed means less likelihood of pests and disease ravaging your beautiful roses. They will not tolerate root competition, especially from heavy feeders like grass. Also, if it has not already been done, prune back the roots of your rose bush one half inch; this will encourage new growth.
Soak your new rose bush in water for 24 hours before planting in order to prepare it for the change. Make sure to dig a hole that is at least two square feet for your rose. Build a small mound of dirt in the center of the hole and spread the roots out on top of it. In colder climates, the roots should be buried slightly deeper than in warmer Southern climates.
Once you have planted your rose, mulch the area surrounding it. Remember to leave a space of several inches around the rose clear of mulch. If mulch is placed too close to the plant, rotting can occur. Mulch is organic plant matter that spreads nutrients to the soil surrounding the rose as water runs through it. It is a natural and simple way to improve your soil!
The first few days after transplantation are the most crucial. You should build a small basin of dirt around the base of your rose bush in order to help it to retain water. Water the rosebush daily for the first week after transplantation. After this week, water every three days adjusting to the weather.
Once you begin to see new shoots coming out of the mound of dirt surrounding your rose, it is time to wash the mound away. Your rose bush is growing, this is good! But you must continue to care for your rose throughout its life. Rose specific fertilizers can be found in any drug store and should be added to the soil around your rose bush every two to three months.
By following these planting instructions you are ensuring a healthy, stable rose bush that will beautify your garden for years! A new rose bush is like a baby, while it requires a lot of love and attention at first, it will grow stronger and more independent with time and you will surely be proud of the results!